Koinonia Pastoral Counseling
Koinonia Pastoral Counseling
Learn to Love the Life You Live.
Learn to Love the Life You Live.
Recommended Books, cd, dvds, links, web casts, music and other therapeutic tools from my library:
* I have read 100's of books on faith, counseling, supplements, nutrition, marriage and family, anger management, depression, children's special needs, elderly care, health & wellness, career and business coaching, horticultural and herbal therapy in the last few years. Here is a list of my most loved books, movies and therapeutic recommendations. Many have direct links to Amazon or they can be purchased from my friends at Jesus Book & Gift Store (www.Jesusbook&giftstore.com.)
Books to strengthen parents and families.
"Having a New Kid by Friday, The Birth Order Book, Making Children Mind Without losing Yours, Have a New You by Friday" -Dr. Kevin Leman Enough said, Dr. Leman is an amazing clinician who has great tools and a wonderful sense of humor as he walks you through parenting and relationship as well as self counseling techniques. They are all common sens and they work.
"Love Must be Tough"-Dr. James Dobson Dr. Dobson has a wealth of knowledge that he generously shares and marriage, parenting and family. This book guides young women who may be unequally yoked or worse, contending with physical or verbal abuse from their spouse. He doesn't hold back at all in telling them how to protect themselves and what to do if they are in an abusive situation. Additionally, his website Focus on The Family is a wealth of archives ad resources for individuals and families.
"Healing Care Healing Prayer"- Terry Wardle Terry helps individuals find and break strongholds through our Father's love and forgiveness.
Recommended Movies and Music:
Immortal Beloved: A wonderful and passionate film about Beethoven's life and muse for his symphonies.
Men in Black: funny, outrageous and a perfect boost for anyone's moods.
City of angels: Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage perform a passionate love story that is truly heavenly blessed.
It's a wonderful life: Jimmy Stewart and Frank Capra (director of these gently, loving films) provide a glimpse into a courageous and Godly man's life crisis and how through the love of God, his family and friends he is transformed.
The Bells of St. Mary: Another Capra classic where Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman bring a heartwarming Christmas story to us.
Courageous: Family and work strife and crisis.
Fireproof: Overcoming pornography and marital dysfunction through the power of our Father's miracles.
War Room: Overcoming life's largest obstacles with prayer and healing.
Unplanned: A true story about Planned Parent Hood's director transforming from prochoice to prolife.
Chosen: An excellent depiction of the fiction account of the ministries of Jesus.
Lifemark: Another excellent Christian film by the Kendrick Brothers.
Star 99.1: The number 1 Christian music station in the tristate area.
The Gate Radio: An international Christian prayer and worship radio station run and founded by my close friend, George Flores. The studio resides at International House of Prayer in Cranford. Great talk shows, music and of course prayer.
RENEW FM: 88.3 New England Christian Radio
Feel free to follow me on my Christian and secular favorites on my Spotify playlists.
Here are a few of my favorite artists.
Favorite Christian Artists:
Fernando Ortega
Wow Artists
Jonny Diaz
Steven Curtis Chapman
Michael W. Smith
Kenny Logins
John Rich
The Afters
Zachary Williams
Five for Fighting
Daniel Gokey
Daniel Carmel
Need to Breathe
King and Country
Elvis Presley
Chris Tomlin
Matt Maher
Third Day
Brandon Heath
Casting Crown
Chris Rice
Matt Redman
Darlene Zschech
Lauren Daigle
Amy Grant
Carrie Underwood
Laura Story
Kerrie Roberts
Sidewalk Prophets
Jars of Clay
Ludwig Van Beethoven
"The Purpose Drive Life" by Rick Warren
"Tales from the Boulevard" co-authored by Jessica Furino
Please click here for a preview with Amazon.com
"Goose River Press Anthologies 2010"co-authored by Jessica Furino
Please click here for a preview with Amazon.com
"Goose River Press Anthologies, 2012" co-authored by Jessica Furino
"Why would I want go to Israel?"
***All royalties collected by Jessica will be contributed to CUFI (Christians United For Israel.)
Please click here for a preview with Amazon.com
My video movie on our pilgrimage to Israel. Breath taking photos of Jesus' homeland from His birth to His resurrection. The background music is in Hebrew and English and it is sang by Daniel Carmel.
"The Power of The Whisper" by Bill Hybels
I love this book and I know you will too, Have you ever wondered if God is speaking to you and helping to direct your life? Bill explains in with the most wonderful antidotes how God does speak to us, but more importantly how we can listen. If you never read another spiritual book (besides the Bible, of course) than you must read this. Please let me know what you think.
Please click here for a preview with Amazon.com
"In Pursuit of Peace." Joyce Meyers This powerful book teaches you how to abide in the gift of peace that Jesus has promised us when we follow and believe in Him. Meyers shows you how to insulate yourself, even in the midst of chaos, in His love, mercy, grace and Peace so that you can navigate through the mess and remain in His countenance.
"The Harbinger" By Jonathan Cahn
I could not put this book down! Jonathan describes in a perfect narrative the parallels between ancient Israel and our 9-11 attack on NYC. It is predicted in Isaiah, but the "harbingers" are not over, there is more to come if we do not come closer to God. Jonathan says it much better than I do, Don't wait for the movie, read the book now.
Please click here for a Preview with Amazon.com
"The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers (Little Blessings (Tyndale)"
This little devotional is power packed with verses for children and stories to exemplify what how the verses can be applied in our everyday life. I loved reading and having my son read this to us as he grew up. I hope you will add it to your library too.
Please click here for a preview with Amazon.com
NIV Revolution: The Bible for Teen Guys: Updated
* This is a fabulous bible for teens (it is available for girls too), it has stories, concordance, 60 item verse references...it is so good that I refer to it for my clients!)
Please click here for a preview with Amazon.com
"Ashes to Beauty."-Jacelyn Serrano This book shares stories of abuse and healing for young women. It has powerful stories and powerful messages to provide healing and freedom from this terrible and heinous abuse.
"When He Doesn't Believe."-Kennedy This book explores and gives support and hope to Christian women who are married to men who do not share their faith.
"From Betrayal to healing." Dr. Carol Erb Carol's book walk you through the hurt of infidelity and helps you understand your feelings of betrayal and hurt and share them with yourself, our Father and your spouse so that you can heal. My colleague and fellow pastoral counselor utilizes biblical healing, clinical tools and His love to take our broken selves and build a new, stronger child of God who can thrive and move forward in a healthy, loving relationship.
"The New Sonoma Diet." Dr. C. Gutterson
"7 Habits of Highly Effective Families."-Stephen Covey
"Love & Respect." -Dr. E. Eggerichs The author gives the reader the tools to build a love themselves and esteem through our Lord.
"The Love Dare."-Kendrick This is one of my favorite books and tools for rebuilding and restoring marriages. It works! It is extremely powerful for new couples who are getting married to build a true and Godly foundation of love, respect and honor in their relationship.
"Courageous" The Kendrick Brothers a fabulous movie about our Father's love and guidance, with our families and spouses, during the most difficulty life struggles.
"I'm O.K. You're O.K."- T. Harris Transactional analysis is a directly applicable tool in communication to anaylize and change communication dynamics.
“Joshua series”-Father Joseph Girzone I love this non fictional drama series about how Jesus would solve world issues as only He can. It is easy reading and so very engaging.
“Crossing the Threshold of Hope”-Pope John Paul ll What can I say, Pope John Paul ll is my favorite pope. His letters are inspiring, discerning and engaging.
“Joy of Loving”-Mother Theresa Mother Theresa is an inspiring women of God who showed love in action, always. Her book shows her amazing love for our Lord and his children. Her wisdom is amazing and heartfelt.
“Harmony Series”-Phillip Gulley Pastor Gulley shares his everyday experiences in his small town in Indiana. Each story has a beautiful universal lesson.
“Raising Great Kids” Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend This is an excellent parenting book.
“Boundaries” Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend Townsend Cloud & Townsend have pastoral counselors and secular with with their boundaries therapy. This is a book every person should read.
“What is so amazing about grace?”-Phillip Yancey I love Yancey's gentle spirit as he walks you through our
"Why Jesus?"- Ravi Zacharias Ravi Zacharias is one of our most prominent apologetics. Please take a moment to watch his web casts and read his books. If you have any questions about your faith, he has the answer.
"A Case For Christ."-Lee Strobel Strobel , as an investigative reporter for The Chicago Tribune, has a keen mind and writing meathod to uncover the truth and make it understandable. How blessed we are that he is using his gifts and skills in Christianity.
“Sacred marriage”-Gary Thomas Pastor Gary has a unique and Godly perspective about our relationships, especially our marriage. Instead of believing that we marry our spouse to fulfil our personal needs, Gary shows us how God blesses us with a partner so that we can grow and sanctify our relationship with Him. He further shows us how to build our marriages and our relationships with our Father.
“The Journey”- Billy Graham Rev. Graham shares his personal calling and journey with our Lord. It is inspiring and instructive.